Dear Darling Heights Parents, Carers & Community,
Our Uniform Shop is closing at the end of trade Tuesday, 5th December, 2023.
Hannas Family Department Store, Ruthven Street, Toowoomba will be our exclusive stockists of our uniform from Monday 15th January, 2024.
Short Sleeve Polo $35
LS Polo $39.95
Shorts $25
Polar Fleece Zip Jacket $45
Fleece Trackpants (double knee) Size 4-8 $32.50; Size 10-16 $37.50
Bucket Hat $19.95
Senior Polo (no year on polo) – Short & Long Sleeve (Year 6 ONLY) $39.95
(no ordering required, normal stock item @ 2024)
(Please Note: Prices are subject to change without notice)
Directions to Hannas (approximately 11 minutes away)
(Put 'Jubb Street' into GPS):
Head to the end of Wuth Street

Turn left onto West Street
Turn right onto Spring Street
Turn left onto Ruthven Street
Travel approximately 5 kilometres until you see Hannas on the left
Keep going & turn left onto Herries Street
Turn into the 2nd street on the left 'Jubb Street'
This will lead you straight into Hannas carpark
*Darling Heights P&C Association wishes to thank our school community for its continued support over the many years it has been operating the Uniform Shop*